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Explainer video

2D video animation, showing how Electronic Shelf Labels work, using a friendly and eye-catching aesthetic.

Logo Animation

custom logo animation within the motion graphic, strengthening the brand.

Custom Characters

The characters that we use in our animation are 100% customized for the objectives of our allies.

Detailed Animation

The animations we make are designed so that everything is original and authentic, so we differentiate ourselves from the rest.

ERD Electronic Retail Data

I had the opportunity to work with ERD Electronic Retail Data on the design and animation of an explanatory video that introduced their product line to potential clients. The video highlighted the benefits of their electronic labels and explained how they work, with the goal of attracting major companies that sell products, such as supermarkets, shoe stores, and food stores. I enjoyed the opportunity to work on this project and to help ERD Electronic Retail Data showcase their innovative products to a wider audience.    
#branding #character Design #Packaging Design#Motion grapihcs #banner Design

fused with:

ERD Electronic Retail Data
